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Showing posts from March 22, 2020

"Thou scourgest, and thou savest: thou leadest down to hell, and bringest up again: and there is none that can escape thy hand."

Tobit 13:2. Douay-Rheims bible.

"Thou art great, O Lord, for ever, and thy kingdom is unto all ages."

Tobit 13:1. Douay-Rheims bible.

"Bless ye God, and publish all his wonderful works."

Tobit 12:20. Douay-Rheims bible.

"Peace be to you, fear not."

Tobit 12:17. Douay-Rheims bible.

"For alms delivereth from death, and the same is that which purgeth away sins, and maketh to find mercy and life everlasting."

Tobit 12:9. Douay-Rheims bible.

"Prayer is good with fasting and alms more than to lay up treasures of gold."

Tobit 12:8. Douay-Rheims bible.

"Bless ye the God of heaven, give glory to him in the sight of all that live, because he hath shewn his mercy to you."

Tobit 12:6. Douay-Rheims bible.

Honour your father and mother in law, love your husband, take care of the family, govern the house, and behave irreprehensibly."

Tobit 10:13. Douay-Rheims bible.

"The holy angel of the Lord be with you in your journey, and bring you through safe, and that you may find all things well."

Tobit 10:11. Douay-Rheims bible.

"May you see your children, and your children's children, unto the third and fourth generation: and may your seed be blessed by the God of Israel, who reigneth for ever and ever."

Tobit 9:11. Douay-Rheims bible.

"May a blessing come upon thy wife and upon your parents."

Tobit 9:10. Douay-Rheims bible.

"Make them, O Lord, bless thee more fully: and to offer up to thee a sacrifice of thy praise, and of their health, that all nations may know, that thou alone art God in all the earth."

Tobit 8:19. Douay-Rheims bible.

"Thou hast shewn thy mercy to us, and hast shut out from us the enemy that persecuted us."

Tobit 8:18. Douay-Rheims bible.

“Lord, thou knowest, that not for fleshly lust do I take my wife, but only for the love of posterity, in which thy name may be blessed forever and ever.”

Tobit 8:9. Douay-Rheims bible.

“Have mercy on us, O Lord have mercy on us, and let us grow old both together in health.”

Tobit 8:10. Douay-Rheims bible.

“Arise, and pray earnestly together that health might be given to you.”

Tobit 8:7. Douay-Rheims bible.

“Be of good cheer, my daughter: the Lord of heaven give thee joy for the trouble thou hast undergone.”

Tobit 7:20. Douay-Rheims bible.

“Be of good courage, thy cure from God is at hand.”

Tobit 5:13. Douay-Rheims bible.

“Joy be to thee always.”

Tobit 5:11. Douay-Rheims bible.

Fear not, my son: we lead indeed a poor life, but we shall have many good things if we fear God, and depart from all sin, and do that which is good.”

Tobit 4:23. Douay-Rheims bible.

“Bless God at all times: and desire of him to direct thy ways, and that all thy counsels may abide in him.”

Tobit 4:20. Douay-Rheims bible.

“Seek counsel always of a wise man.”

Tobit 4:19. Douay-Rheims bible.

“See thou never do to another what thou wouldst hate to have done to thee by another.”

Tobit 4:16. Douay-Rheims bible.

“Never suffer pride to reign in thy mind, or in thy words: for from it all perdition took its beginning.”

Tobit 4:14. Douay-Rheims bible.

“Alms deliver from all sin, and from death, and will not suffer the soul to go into darkness.”

Tobit 4:11. Douay-Rheims bible.

“If thou have much give abundantly: if thou have little, take care even so to bestow willingly a little.”

Tobit 4:9. Douay-Rheims bible.

“According to thy ability be merciful.”

Tobit 4:8. Douay-Rheims bible.

“And all the days of thy life have God in thy mind: and take heed thou never consent to sin, nor transgress the commandments of the Lord our God.” ‭‭

Tobit‬ ‭4:6‬. Douay-Rheims bible.

“Be thy name, O God of Israel, blessed for ever.” ‭‭

Tobit 3:23‬. Douay-Rheims bible.

In moments of great trial, pastors and people have ever had recourse with entire confidence to the august Mother of God"

Pope Leo XIII (1887). Vi è ben noto. Chapter 1.

Faithful to the religious example of our fathers, let us have recourse to Mary, our holy Sovereign. Let us entreat, let us beseech, with one heart, Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, our Mother.

Octobri Mense On the Rosary Pope Leo XIII - 1891

Let us approach Mary confidently, wholeheartedly beseeching her by the bonds of her motherhood which unite her so closely to Jesus and at the same time to us."

Pope Leo XIII (1892). Magnae Dei Matris. Chapter 13.

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