1. The true follower of Christ has a blessing on his lips, a song in his mouth, amid sorrows and trials. Reverend Francis X. Lasance Reflection: What's your favorite hymn to sing when you're feeling stressed? If you don't have one, which one do you think would work for you? 2. God will clothe thee with the double garment of justice, and will set a crown on thy head of everlasting honour. Baruch 5:2 Reflection: How can you get more grace from God to receive your everlasting reward. 3. We should imitate the behavior of the saints, so that we may enter together into the joy of our Lord which is in heaven, which is not transitory, but truly abides. Saint Athanasius Reflection: How can you better imitate the behavior of the saints? 4. Only pray that we be not abandoned of God and let the enemy continue to do his worst. God's good will is enough to make me very cheerful and if He is on my side I despise all my troubles as trifles. Theodoret of Antioch Reflection: How does...
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