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Showing posts from March 29, 2020

“By how much the more a man dies to himself, by so much more he lives to God.”

St. Catherine Siena. Dialogue on Perfection.

“Know then this truth — enough for man to know: Virtue alone is happiness below.”

Alexander Pope. My Prayer Book. Page 42.

“The end of man's creation is to glorify God.”

Rev. Francis X. Lasance. My Prayer Book. Page 41.

“To be in the state of grace — to have God’s love — that is essentially necessary to true happiness.”

Rev. Francis X. Lasance. My Prayer Book. Page 41.

“Give me, Lord, only Thy love and Thy grace; with these I shall be rich enough ; there is nothing more that I desire.”

St. Ignatius of Loyola. My Prayer Book. Page 41.

“The fullest measure of happiness even here on earth is attained by harmonizing one’s conduct with the commandments of God.”

Rev. Francis X. Lasance. My Prayer Book. Page 41.

“It behooves us to follow Christ, who did all things well.”

Rev. Francis X. Lasance. My Prayer Book. 

“We can meditate by considering all earthly things as types of holy truths.”

Rev. Francis X. Lasance. My Prayer Book. 

“It seldom happens that one can do good without any trouble.”

Saint Vincent de Paul. My Prayer Book by Rev Father X. Lasance.

“Good is never done except at the expense of those who do it.”

Saint John Henry Newman. My Prayer Book by Rev. Francis X. Lasance. 

“The true follower of Christ has a blessing on his lips, a song in his mouth, amid sorrows and trials.”

Reverend Francis X. Lasance. My Prayer Book.

“Christ and His apostolic followers, although they converse and treat with sinners, do not partake of their uncleanness.”

Richard Baxter. Meditations.

“God, loves all things both great and small, just because all things belong to Him, and because He loves Himself with an infinite and everlasting love.”

Vide : Another Handful of Myrrh.

“This is our direct work, to perfect ourselves in the love of God ; the rest will follow.”

Vide : Another Handful of Myrrh.

"To love God is an art — the one work of our lives.”

Vide : Another Handful of Myrrh.

“It is by keeping alive and fostering in our own hearts the fire of God's love ... that we shall most effectually diffuse light and warmth to others.”

Vide : Another Handful of Myrrh.

“If we ourselves are what we ought to be, we shall be to others what we ought to be.”

Vide : Another Handful of Myrrh.

“Our love for others is only an extension or overflow of our laudable self-love.”

Vide : Another Handful of Myrrh.

“Seek true happiness in [helping] others seek their true happiness.”

Vide : Another Handful of Myrrh.

"A person who tries to climb higher than he can achieve possesses the name of sanctity without substance, because, in name alone without a structure of good works, he glories in a kind of vain joy of the mind."

Saint Hildegard. Letter to the Monk Guibert, 1176. 

"Walk in peace without pride of spirit."

Saint Hildegard. Letter to the Monk Guibert, 1176.

"In your piety and wisdom look in your spirit, as you have been taught by the Holy Spirit, and from your heart bring comfort to your handmaiden."

Saint Hildegard. Letter to Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, 1146-47.

"In my soul ... I can see no one but God."

Life and Doctrine of Saint Catherine of Genoa (1907). Chapter 14.

"I do not wish love that can pass through the intellect, memory, or will; because pure love passes all these things and transcends them."

Catherine of Genoa. Life and Doctrine of Saint Catherine of Genoa (1907). Chapter 14.

"I am so submerged in the sweet fire of love that I cannot grasp anything except the whole of love, which melts all the marrow of my soul and body."

Catherine of Genoa. Ecstatic Confessions (1909). Page 109.

"I find in myself by the grace of God a satisfaction without nourishment, a love without fear."

Catherine of Genoa. Ecstatic Confessions (1909). Page 109.

"In God is my being ... my strength, my bliss, my desire."

Catherine of Genoa. Ecstatic Confessions (1909). Page 108.

"Be sure that, in proportion as you advance in fraternal charity, you are increasing your love of God."

Teresa of Avila. Interior Castle. Fifth Mansion, Ch. 3, translated by the Benedictines of Stanbrook (1921), revised and edited by Fr. Benedict Zimmerman (1930).

"We shall never learn to know ourselves except by endeavoring to know God."

Teresa of Avila. Interior Castle. First Mansions, Ch. 2 : The Human Soul, as translated by the Benedictines of Stanbrook (1911), revised and edited by Fr. Benedict Zimmerman.

"The soul is satisfied ... with nothing less than God."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 29

"[The angels] leave me all on fire with a great love of God."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 29.

"Blessed be our Lord, who has so effectually helped me!"

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25

"May His Majesty give me grace to take that for peace which is really peace, that for honour which is really honour, and that for delight which is really a delight."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25.

"Satan is the friend of lies, and a lie himself. He will have nothing to do with those who walk in the truth."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25.

"We become our own enemies when we love and seek what we ought to hate."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25.

"May it please His Majesty that we fear Him whom we ought to fear, and understand that one venial sin can do us more harm than all hell together."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25.

"I took up the cross in my hand, — I was changed in a moment into another person, and it seemed as if God had really given me courage enough not to be afraid of encountering all the evil spirits."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25.

"O my God! as He strengthens our faith, love grows."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25.

"Oh, how good is God! how good is our Lord, and how powerful! He gives not counsel only, but relief as well."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25.

"Oh, how good is God!"

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25.

"Be not afraid, my daughter: it is I; and I will not abandon thee. Fear not."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25.

"Let all the learned rise up against me, — let the whole creation persecute me, — let the evil spirits torment me, — but do Thou, O Lord, fail me not."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25. 

"Everything fails me, O my Lord; but if Thou wilt not abandon me, I will never fail Thee."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25.

"It seems as if Thou didst subject those who love Thee to a severe trial: but it is in order that they may learn, in the depths of that trial, the depths of Thy love."

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25.

"They who love Thee, oh, how little they have to suffer! oh, how gently, how tenderly, how sweetly Thou, O my Lord, dealest with them!"

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25.

"All things fail; but Thou, Lord of all, never failest!"

Teresa of Avila. The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus (c.1565). Chapter 25. 

"Better therefore is the just man that hath no idols: for he shall be far from reproach."

Baruch 6:72. Douay-Rheims Bible.

"My angel is with you: And I myself will demand an account of your souls."

Baruch 6:6. Douay-Rheims Bible.

"For God will shew his brightness in thee, to every one under heaven."

Baruch 5:3. Douay-Rheims Bible.

"God will clothe thee with the double garment of justice, and will set a crown on thy head of everlasting honour."

Baruch 5:2. Douay-Rheims Bible.

Popular Quotes

10 Catholic Quotes for Easter

"They that seek shall find Him, and they that find shall praise Him."

Confession of St. Augustine. Book 1. Chapter 1. Reflection: how can you seek Christ more today? Prayer: Sweet Jesus, help me to avoid my sins by seeking you more.

5 Catholic Quotes for Tough Times

But this every one is sure of that worshippeth thee, that his life, if it be under trial, shall be crowned: and if it be under tribulation, it shall be delivered. Tobit 3:21. Douay-Rheims Bible. God's good will is enough to make me very cheerful and if He is on my side I despise all my troubles as trifles. Theodoret of Antioch. Letter 9. To appease the might of an outraged God and to bring that health of soul so needed by those who are sorely afflicted, there is nothing better than devout and persevering prayer. Pope Leo XIII (1892). Magnae Dei Matris. Chapter 7. Afflicted in few things, in many they shall be well rewarded: because God hath tried them, and found them worthy of himself. Wisdom 3:5. Douay-Rheims Bible. I sent you forth with mourning and weeping: but the Lord will bring you back to me with joy and gladness for ever. Baruch 4:23. Douay-Rheims Bible.

"We do not seek peace in order to be at war, but we go to war that we may have peace."

Saint Augustine. Ep. ad Bonif. clxxxix. Reflection: How can you win the war for your soul?  How do you honor those who died fighting for peace?

"And hope confoundeth not: because the charity of God is poured forth in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost, who is given to us."

Romans 5:5 Reflection: How does the Holy Spirit bring fire into your life? Prayer: O God, come to my assistance and help me to avoid the sin of Sloth. Lord, make haste to help me keep my resolution. Amen. 

10 Catholic Quotes on Joy

1.   The true follower of Christ has a blessing on his lips, a song in his mouth, amid sorrows and trials. Reverend Francis X. Lasance Reflection: What's your favorite hymn to sing when you're feeling stressed? If you don't have one, which one do you think would work for you? 2.  God will clothe thee with the double garment of justice, and will set a crown on thy head of everlasting honour. Baruch 5:2 Reflection: How can you get more grace from God to receive your everlasting reward. 3.  We should imitate the behavior of the saints, so that we may enter together into the joy of our Lord which is in heaven, which is not transitory, but truly abides. Saint Athanasius Reflection: How can you better imitate the behavior of the saints? 4. Only pray that we be not abandoned of God and let the enemy continue to do his worst. God's good will is enough to make me very cheerful and if He is on my side I despise all my troubles as trifles. Theodoret of Antioch Reflection: How does...

Top 10 Catholic Quotes for Good Friday

Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?

Song of Solomon 6:9. Douay-Rheims Bible.

"The Lord himself will overthrow them before our face: but as for you, fear them not."

I Maccabees 3:22. Douay-Rheims Bible. Reflection: What person, place, or thing are you fearing? Don't forget the Lord is your protector.

"Stand steadfast, therefore, you who work righteousness, and doubt not, that your passage may be with the holy angels."

Shepherd of Hermas. Book 1. Vision 2. Chapter 2. Reflection: How can you be more steadfast in following Jesus?