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10 Catholic Quotes for Easter

"No other person was raised than he who had been crucified and died."

Pope St. Leo the Great (AD 461). Catena Aurea by Saint Thomas Aquinas.

"After his resurrection from the dead, he put aside all his passions: ruin, hunger and thirst, sleep and fatigue, and the like."

St. John of Damascus (AD 749). Catena Aurea by Saint Thomas Aquinas.

"Peace is a blessing commended by all, but observed by few."

Gregory the Theologian (AD 390). Catena Aurea by Saint Thomas Aquinas.

"What a tremendous favor grace has done us! We have neither seen nor touched, and we have believed."

St. Augustine of Hippo (AD 430). Catena Aurea by Saint Thomas Aquinas.

"Christ rose early when the day was beginning to dawn, to denote that by His Resurrection He brought us to the light of glory."

St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologica. P3. Q53. A2.

"Rejoice not, thou, my enemy, over me, because I am fallen: I shall arise."

Micah 7:8. Douay-Rheims Bible.

"[Jesus] was delivered up for our sins, and rose again for our justification."

Romans 4:25. Douay-Rheims Bible.

"Christ is risen from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also may walk in newness of life."

Romans 6:4. Douay-Rheims Bible.

"Since through seeing Christ, who is our head, rise again, we hope that we likewise shall rise again."

St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologica. P3. Q53. A1.

"And if Christ be not risen again, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain."

1 Corinthians 15:14. Douay-Rheims Bible. 

"Our belief in Christ's Godhead is confirmed by His rising again."

St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologica. P3. Q53. A1.

"Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise again from the dead, the third day."

Luke 24:46. Douay-Rheims Bible.

Top 10 Catholic Quotes for Good Friday

“Creation could not bear the outrage offered to the Creator; whence the sun withdrew his beams, that he might not look upon the crime of these impious men.”

Saint John Chrysostom. In Hom. de Cruce et Latr.

“The anguish of the crucifixion was very great; because the tenderest parts of the body were pierced by the nails, and the whole weight hung from the hands.”

Cornelius À Lapide (1637). The Great Commentary of Cornelius À Lapide.

“All that Adam lost, Christ found upon the cross.”

Saint Augustine. Cf. Serm. ci De Tempore

“It was fitting that Christ should suffer by being fastened to a tree, as if restoring what Adam had [lost].”

St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologica. P3. Q46. A.4

“Christ by His Passion not only delivered man from sin, but also merited justifying grace for him and the glory of bliss.”

St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologica. P3. Q46. A.3

“There was no other more suitable way of healing our misery than by the Passion of Christ.”

St. Augustine. De Trin. xiii

“By His Passion Christ made satisfaction for the sin of the human race; and so man was set free by Christ's justice.”

St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologica. P3. Q46. A.1

“That man should be delivered by Christ’s Passion was in keeping with both His mercy and His justice.”

St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologica. P3. Q46. A.1

“Christ suffered once and redeemed the whole world; and very happy is he who can worthily celebrate...mass.”

Pope Alexander II. De Consecr., dist. 1. 

“Owing to our daily defects, we stand in daily need of the fruits of our Lord’s Passion, this sacrament is offered regularly every day in the Church.”

St. Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologica. P3. Q83. A2.

“Any one can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, until the sun goes down.”

Rev. Francis X. Lasance. My Prayer Book. Page 50

“Nothing is impossible to God, since His power is infinite.”

St. Vincent de Paul. My Prayer Book. Page 50

“He who believes in an infinite Providence, which extends even to the lowest worm, must expect good from all that happens to him.”

St. Francis de Sales. My Prayer Book. Page 50. 

“[Abandon yourself] cheerfully to the will of God.”

St. Francis of Assisi. My Prayer Book. Page 50.

"Happy is the man who does not worry, nor grieve himself, about anything in this world, but leads a holy life.”

St. Francis of Asisi. My Prayer Book. Page 50.

“At the Last Day God will not examine if we have performed a multitude of works but if we have sanctified our souls in doing them.”

Russell. The Art of Being Happy.

“A great secret for preserving peace of heart is to do nothing with overeagerness, but to act always calmly, without trouble or disquiet.”

Russell. The Art of Being Happy. 

“Happy is he, who performs great services for his neighbor, yet does not trouble about receiving anything in return.”

Blessed Egidius of Assisi. My Prayer Book. Page 45.

“Kindness begets kindness.”

Rev. Francis X. Lasance. My Prayer Book. Page 45.

“The perfection of charity is attained by self-renunciation, by entire mortification, by purity of heart, and total abandonment to God.”

Rev. Francis X. Lasance. My Prayer Book. Page 44. 

“Love spurs us on to do great things, and makes all that is bitter sweet and savory.”

St. Teresa. My Prayer Book. Page 44.

“It is by charity that we follow Our Lord in the way of perfection.”

Rev. Francis X. Lasance. My Prayer Book. Page 44.

Popular Quotes

10 Catholic Quotes for Easter

"They that seek shall find Him, and they that find shall praise Him."

Confession of St. Augustine. Book 1. Chapter 1. Reflection: how can you seek Christ more today? Prayer: Sweet Jesus, help me to avoid my sins by seeking you more.

5 Catholic Quotes for Tough Times

But this every one is sure of that worshippeth thee, that his life, if it be under trial, shall be crowned: and if it be under tribulation, it shall be delivered. Tobit 3:21. Douay-Rheims Bible. God's good will is enough to make me very cheerful and if He is on my side I despise all my troubles as trifles. Theodoret of Antioch. Letter 9. To appease the might of an outraged God and to bring that health of soul so needed by those who are sorely afflicted, there is nothing better than devout and persevering prayer. Pope Leo XIII (1892). Magnae Dei Matris. Chapter 7. Afflicted in few things, in many they shall be well rewarded: because God hath tried them, and found them worthy of himself. Wisdom 3:5. Douay-Rheims Bible. I sent you forth with mourning and weeping: but the Lord will bring you back to me with joy and gladness for ever. Baruch 4:23. Douay-Rheims Bible.

"We do not seek peace in order to be at war, but we go to war that we may have peace."

Saint Augustine. Ep. ad Bonif. clxxxix. Reflection: How can you win the war for your soul?  How do you honor those who died fighting for peace?

"And hope confoundeth not: because the charity of God is poured forth in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost, who is given to us."

Romans 5:5 Reflection: How does the Holy Spirit bring fire into your life? Prayer: O God, come to my assistance and help me to avoid the sin of Sloth. Lord, make haste to help me keep my resolution. Amen. 

10 Catholic Quotes on Joy

1.   The true follower of Christ has a blessing on his lips, a song in his mouth, amid sorrows and trials. Reverend Francis X. Lasance Reflection: What's your favorite hymn to sing when you're feeling stressed? If you don't have one, which one do you think would work for you? 2.  God will clothe thee with the double garment of justice, and will set a crown on thy head of everlasting honour. Baruch 5:2 Reflection: How can you get more grace from God to receive your everlasting reward. 3.  We should imitate the behavior of the saints, so that we may enter together into the joy of our Lord which is in heaven, which is not transitory, but truly abides. Saint Athanasius Reflection: How can you better imitate the behavior of the saints? 4. Only pray that we be not abandoned of God and let the enemy continue to do his worst. God's good will is enough to make me very cheerful and if He is on my side I despise all my troubles as trifles. Theodoret of Antioch Reflection: How does

Top 10 Catholic Quotes for Good Friday

"The Lord himself will overthrow them before our face: but as for you, fear them not."

I Maccabees 3:22. Douay-Rheims Bible. Reflection: What person, place, or thing are you fearing? Don't forget the Lord is your protector.

Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?

Song of Solomon 6:9. Douay-Rheims Bible.

"Stand steadfast, therefore, you who work righteousness, and doubt not, that your passage may be with the holy angels."

Shepherd of Hermas. Book 1. Vision 2. Chapter 2. Reflection: How can you be more steadfast in following Jesus?